Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 28: Crossing the Argentina-Chile border

I took a bus from Mendoza, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile, and it was a wonderful trip. The route is a two lane highway which cuts through the Andes, offering spectacular views throughout. I snapped some pictures with my phone as we went:

The border crossing itself was fairly rigorous, but very structured. It was a far cry from the ramshackle Central American land border crossings I was most accustomed to. Surprisingly, as we went through airport-style security stations, the government seemed to be fairly unconcerned about drugs/weapons, with the majority of their scrutiny going to foreign goods, perishables etc. They really care about that box you check on the customs form asking if you've been to a farm apparently. The bus company representative did a great job of making sure everyone went through all of the right steps in the right order and keeping track of all of us, I felt a little like he was our camp counselor. The customs station itself was dwarfed by the immensity of the mountains surrounding it.

Immediately upon entering Chile, the mining industry is on full display, various operations underway and trucks whizzing by. However, there was one set of turns which there was very little whizzing by going on at, an ascent/descent of a huge cliff they must have been unable to find a way to go through/around, the bus had to painstakingly go through a long series of sharp turns to get down. I noticed that the highway has markers which show you which number curve you are on, I think it started at 30 and went down to 1, probably took at least a minute per curve.
Next stop, Santiago!

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