Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 3: Buenos Aires; The racist barber, downpour in Palermo

To start my day, I went for a haircut, and met an incredibly racist barber. He  was very friendly to me, but as we talked he casually told me about how black people are not to be trusted and are degenerates. He said Barack Obama was part of the 10% of black people who "might be worth dealing with." I waited until his razor was off my neck until I told him my thoughts on the matter. He also didn't have too high an opinion of white people, so I hope that didn't effect the quality of my cut. I think it looks pretty good. The funny thing about it was the friendly, casual manner in which he discussed it with me, and again, the knife he had on my neck.
After my haircut, I went to see the neighborhood called Palermo,which is regarded in the same way as Polanco in Mexico City. In other words, Palermo is where the money is. Seeing this incredible neighborhood convinced me to stay at least one more day in Buenos Aires, it reminds of of the West Village in New York City. (Okay, apparently in this blog I will compare every place to an American city or NYC neighborhood.) Unfortunately, shortly after I arrived an incredible downpour of South American proportions ensued. I found shelter in a restaurant and ordered a delicious coffee (the coffee in Buenos Aires is quite good.) I thought this type of storm was the norm for this city, but apparently not because it was all over the news like it was a big deal. Here's a video of the people at the restaurant dealing with the storm:

Once the rain stopped I got to take a look around, and the neighborhood was so cool! I found a nice hotel for the next day, and am looking forward to seeing more of the area.
Here are some pictures from Palermo:

These are some pictures from the day in San Telmo and El Centro:

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