Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 1 continued: a night time stroll in Buenos Aires

Florencia and Alejandro had to study for their big test, so I went home to get some much needed rest.
However, the rest was short lived because I wanted to get out and see my surroundings.
So get out I did, and I encountered an odd spectacle, the kind that tends to leave Americans (such as myself)  amused and confused.
I heard the loud beat of drumming and I followed it. The street was cleared of cars, and there were many children running about. The children were spraying a foam of some sort on each other, everyone was covered in foam and it was quite a challenge to remain un-foamed. I asked a friendly parking attendant what was going on. Carnaval, he said. Carnaval for children? No, Carnaval for everyone! There was a procession of clowns. They were dressed with sparkling insignias which represented an affiliation with a group of some sort. Some of the clowns were doing awesome dances, others were drumming, and they were followed by other clowns waving flags.
Mixed in with the clowns were attractive women, dressed in full Carnaval regalia, shaking their asses in an appealing manner.
It was a spectacle which is hard to describe, but was quite the sight to behold. Welcome to Argentina.

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